Pass Guaranteed Quiz 2025 Realistic Verified Free CFPE Exam Dumps [Q46-Q66]

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Pass Guaranteed Quiz 2025 Realistic Verified Free CFPE Exam Dumps

Free Fire Plan Examiner CFPE Ultimate Study Guide (Updated 100 Questions)

NO.46 What is the minimum fire flow duration for a 21.000 ft2 (1.950 m2) building of type II (000) construction?


NO.47 How many fire hydrants are located on the project site on plan L2?


NO.48 Exhibit.

Using scale C, on the water supply graph 3 found on plan F0.2, what is the residual pressure availableflowing at 1 000 gpm (3,785 Lpm)?


NO.49 Which one of the following contains information describing construction materials such as doors windows, hardware, and finishes?


NO.50 What is the maximum heat release rate of a single fuel package containing foamed plastics that is part of an exhibit booth’?


NO.51 What is the duration of the fire flow for a kindergarten center of 150.000 ft2 (13.935 m2) of Type II (111) construction?


NO.52 What is the permitted fire flow reduction for two buildings on the same lot with a separation of 40 ft (12 m)?


NO.53 Records related to fire plan review are considered to be


NO.54 What is the minimum door opening width in a means of egress?


NO.55 Exhibit.

On plan A7, what is the corridor floor finish for the first floor plan wing C?


NO.56 The responsibility to promulgate rules that cover plan review is established by


NO.57 NFPA is responsible for which of the following activities involved in the code development process?
I. Establish rules to promote fairness of the process
II. Perform laboratory tests to validate accuracy of published information III Enforce compliance of codes and standards IV. Administer the development process


NO.58 What percentage of wall area may be covered with art work in a sprinklered educational occupancy?


NO.59 Exhibit.

Which of the following best describes the location of the manual pull station on plan A12?


NO.60 A fire department access road shall be provided such that any portion of an unsprinklered facility is located no more than what maximum distance from the access road’-‘A.


NO.61 Exhibit.

Based on the figure, what is the total width of exiting required?


NO.62 What is the classification for an area in a building with a permanent multi-level play structure?


NO.63 Exhibit.

The automatic fire sprinkler system remote area located on planF2.0 indicates that the fire sprinkler system has been designed to deliver


NO.64 Which one of the following is an architectural drawing that shows the vertical view of a building, including floors, building height, and the grade of surrounding ground?


NO.65 What is the occupant load for a high school computer lab with an area of 682 ft2 (63 m2) net? Calculator


NO.66 The tops of wall mounted audible fire alarm notification appliances shall be a minimum of what height above the finished floor’?


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