Latest CII IF1 PDF and Dumps (2022) Free Exam Questions Answers [Q19-Q34]

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Latest CII IF1 PDF and Dumps (2022) Free Exam Questions Answers

Pass Your Certificate in Insurance IF1 Exam on Nov 19, 2022 with 100 Questions

NO.19 Under the regulator’s training and competency rules, a general insurance employee carrying out a non-WiFID business activity


NO.20 John has a whole of life policy and has recently been diagnosed with cancer. When, if at all. must he disclose this to his insurer?


NO.21 When motor insurance is purchased directly with an insurer, what is usually the main disadvantage to the policyholder in the event of a claim compared to purchasing indirectly through a different marketing channel?


NO.22 A loss adjuster normally acts on behalf of the


NO.23 The purpose of Insurance Premium Tax is to


NO.24 To whom, if anyone, can an agent normally delegate the responsibility imposed on net under an agency agreement?


NO.25 The Principles for Business slate that all customers should be treated


NO.26 Michael, an insurance company employee, strongly suspects that a recent transaction involved money laundering but decides NOT to report his suspicions to anyone. How is this treated under the current Money Laundering Regulations?


NO.27 A storm blew down the wall of a limber building. The failing wall broke electrical wiring, which short-circuited and the resultant sparks caused a fire. The lire brigade used water to put out the fire and the water caused damage to the unburnt contents. What is the proximate cause of the damage to the unburnt contents?


NO.28 From April 2019. a small company with nine employees is in dispute with its insurer and wishes to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The FOS is only permitted lo deal with the dispute if the insured’s turnover does NOT exceed


NO.29 If an insurer invokes the cancellation clause to cancel a policy mid-year due to a change in the risk, how much of the premium, if anything, is normally returned to the policyholder?


NO.30 Lloyd’s is known as a subscription market because


NO.31 The Financial Services Compensation Scheme was established to help policyholders in the event of


NO.32 For which professional is professional indemnity insurance compulsory by statute?


NO.33 Which principle of insurance prevents a member of the public from taking out an insurance policy on the life of a celebrity in the hope of receiving a windfall on the celebrity’s death?


NO.34 Under the provisions of the Financial Services Act 2012. what action, if any, can the regulator take against a firm that has committed money laundering offences?


IF1 Dumps for Certificate in Insurance Certified Exam Questions and Answer:


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