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Greenwater is rainwater that is collected and stored for non-potable uses. Stormwater is runoff from precipitation that can carry pollutants and sediments into waterways. Reference: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, page 26; USGBC, [Water Efficiency], page 2.QUESTION 120In the commercial LEED Rating System, which point range will achieve the Certified level of certification?  30-39 points  40-49 points  50-59 points  60-69 points ExplanationLEED certification is awarded based on the number of points a project earns across several categories of green building performance. The range of points required to achieve the Certified level of certification for the commercial LEED Rating System is 40-49, out of a possible 110 points. The other levels of LEED certification are: Silver (50-59 points), Gold (60-79 points), and Platinum (80 or more points)12. References:LEED v4 Green Associate Candidate Handbook1, LEED v4 BD+C Reference Guide2QUESTION 121The project team is conducting a feasibility study of a building project. The developer has pre-qualified four potential sites that are all financially viable. Within the context of LEED, which site is the most applicable?  A brownfield site with no access to metro  A brownfield site in a national park with car access only  A greenfield site with access to public transport and proximity to grocery stores  A brownfield site with access to five lines of public transportation and basic services From a LEED perspective, a brownfield site with access to multiple lines of public transportation and basic services would be the most applicable. Brownfield sites are previously developed sites that may be contaminated with hazardous waste or pollution. Developing on these sites can help to clean up and revitalize the area. Access to public transportation reduces the need for private vehicle use, reducing carbon emissions and traffic congestion. Reference: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, U.S. Green Building Council resourcesQUESTION 122In the commercial LEED Rating System, which point range will achieve the Certified level of certification?  30-39 points  40-49 points  50-59 points  60-69 points QUESTION 123According to the Indoor Environmental Quality credit category, which of the following is considered an unoccupied space?  Mechanical and electrical rooms  Restroom  School classroom  Corridor ExplanationAccording to the Indoor Environmental Quality credit category of LEED, mechanical and electrical rooms are considered unoccupied spaces. These spaces are typically not intended for human occupancy, except for maintenance or operational purposes, and therefore do not require the same level of environmental control (such as ventilation or temperature control) as occupied spaces. References: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, U.S. Green Building Council resourcesQUESTION 124What is the best way to prevent a building’s indoor pollutant(s)?  Test for radon  Monitor carbon dioxide  Eliminate or control pollutants at the source  Remove any pollutants that enter the building The best way to prevent a building’s indoor pollutant(s) is to eliminate or control pollutants at the source. Indoor pollutants are substances or particles that can adversely affect the indoor air quality (IAQ) of a building and the health, comfort, and productivity of the occupants. Indoor pollutants can originate from various sources, such as building materials, furnishings, cleaning products, combustion appliances, outdoor air, or occupant activities. Eliminating or controlling pollutants at the source can prevent them from entering or spreading in the indoor environment, which can reduce the exposure and risk for the occupants. Some examples of source control strategies are: using low-emitting materials, installing local exhaust ventilation, sealing combustion appliances, implementing green cleaning practices, and prohibiting smoking13. Reference: LEED v4 Green Associate Candidate Handbook1, EPA’s Indoor Air Quality3QUESTION 125Which of the following Is a strategy for improving Indoor Environmental Quality during construction?  Cover duct work with plastic  Store absorptive-finish materials directly on slab  Collect construction debris in the mechanical room  Run permanently installed HVAC with final filtration media ExplanationCovering duct work with plastic is a strategy for improving indoor environmental quality during construction.Covering duct work with plastic prevents dust, debris, and contaminants from entering the ducts and affecting the air quality of the building. This also reduces the need for cleaning and maintenance of the ducts after construction. The LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook states that one of the strategies for achieving indoor environmental quality is to “protect ducts during construction by sealing or covering with plastic” [1, p.16]. References: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, [Indoor Air Quality During Construction | U.S.Environmental Protection Agency]QUESTION 126An owner is looking to update the interior materials of the office while promoting a healthier indoor work environment using LEED strategies. During the materials specification, which of the following strategies can the owner take in order to achieve this goal?  Specify salvaged materials  Specify low-cost materials  Specify low-emitting materials  Specify high solar reflectance materials An owner who wants to update the interior materials of the office while promoting a healthier indoor work environment using LEED strategies can specify low-emitting materials as one of the strategies to achieve this goal. Low-emitting materials are materials that have low or no emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or other pollutants into the indoor air. VOCs are organic chemicals that can evaporate or vaporize at room temperature and can adversely affect the indoor air quality (IAQ) of a building and the health, comfort, and productivity of the occupants. Some sources of VOCs in buildings are paints, coatings, adhesives, sealants, flooring, furniture, and cleaning products. Specifying low-emitting materials can reduce the exposure and risk of VOCs for the occupants and improve IAQ12. Reference: LEED v4 Green Associate Candidate Handbook1, LEED v4 BD+C Reference Guide2QUESTION 127Which strategy for roof coverage best addresses both heat island effect and rainwater runoff from the roof only?  100% vegetated  100% high-albedo  20% high-albedo and 80% conventional  50% standing seam copper and 50% vegetated A 100% vegetated roof coverage best addresses both heat island effect and rainwater runoff from the roof only. A vegetated roof, also known as a green roof, is a layer of living plants that covers the roof surface. A vegetated roof reduces the heat island effect by providing shade, evapotranspiration, and insulation, lowering the roof temperature and the surrounding air temperature. A vegetated roof also reduces rainwater runoff by retaining and absorbing precipitation, decreasing the volume and peak flow of stormwater leaving the roof. The other options are not as effective as a 100% vegetated roof coverage in addressing both heat island effect and rainwater runoff from the roof only. A 100% high-albedo roof reflects more solar radiation than a conventional roof, reducing the heat island effect, but it does not reduce rainwater runoff. A 20% high-albedo and 80% conventional roof has a lower reflectance than a 100% high-albedo roof, resulting in a higher heat island effect, and it does not reduce rainwater runoff either. A 50% standing seam copper and 50% vegetated roof has a lower vegetated area than a 100% vegetated roof, resulting in less shade, evapotranspiration, insulation, retention, and absorption, leading to a higher heat island effect and more rainwater runoff. Reference: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, page 27; USGBC, [Sustainable Sites], page 3.QUESTION 128Utilizing recycled materials achieves the green building objective of  minimizing the need for landfills  promoting the use of virgin materials and resources  encouraging environmentally responsible forest management  increasing demand for products extracted and manufactured within the region Utilizing recycled materials achieves the green building objective of minimizing the need for landfills. Recycled materials are materials that have been recovered or diverted from the waste stream and processed into new products or materials. Utilizing recycled materials can reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfills or incinerators, which can have negative impacts on the environment, such as occupying valuable land, contaminating soil and water, and emitting harmful gases. Utilizing recycled materials can also save natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs, and lower disposal costs12. Reference: LEED v4 Green Associate Candidate Handbook1, EPA’s Recycling Basics2QUESTION 129An annual survey is given to the building occupants in which they are asked to rate their comfort level with regards to the heating and air-conditioning, acoustics, air quality, lighting levels and cleanliness. Which building staff member is best equipped to evaluate the responses and develop a corrective action plan to address problems and improve occupants’ comfort?  LEED AP  Leasing Agent  Facilities Manager  Commissioning (Cx) Agent ExplanationThe Facilities Manager is typically responsible for ensuring the comfort and safety of a building’s occupants.They would be best equipped to evaluate responses to a survey about comfort levels in the building and develop a corrective action plan to address any problems identified. References: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, U.S. Green Building Council resourcesQUESTION 130Light colored paving and cool roofs are terms referring to materials with  lower emissivity and lower albedo  lower emissivity and higher albedo  higher emissivity and lower albedo  higher emissivity and higher albedo Light-colored paving and cool roofs refer to materials with higher emissivity and higher albedo. Emissivity is the ability of a material to emit heat that it absorbs, while albedo is a measure of how much light that hits a surface is reflected without being absorbed. Materials with high emissivity can help reduce heat islands by releasing more of the heat they absorb, while those with high albedo can reflect more sunlight and thus stay cooler. Reference: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, U.S. Green Building Council resourcesQUESTION 131The Interior space of a six-story commercial building is being completely renovated. Which of the following actions should the design team conduct first in order to incorporate green building strategies?  Set project goals  Identify improvement opportunities  Benchmark performance of existing building  Measure performance and undergo third party verification ExplanationSetting project goals is the action that the design team should conduct first in order to incorporate green building strategies in a six-story commercial building renovation project. Setting project goals is an important step in the integrative process that defines the vision and expectations for the project’s sustainability performance and guides the decision-making throughout the design and construction phases. Setting project goals involves engaging key stakeholders, such as owners, users, designers, contractors, and operators, and identifying measurable objectives, targets, and metrics for various aspects of green building, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, material selection, indoor environmental quality, site selection, and transportation access. The LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook states that one of the steps in the integrative process is to “establish sustainability goals early in project development” [1, p.12]. References: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, [Integrative Process | U.S. Green Building Council]QUESTION 132Which of the following strategies is considered an approach to land management that mimics natural systems and manages rainwater as close to the source as possible?  Xeriscaping  Passive Design  Evapotranspiration  Low-Impact Development QUESTION 133Which label or certification indicates reduced water consumption for appliances?  ASHRAE 90.1  GREENGUARD  ISO 14001:2015  ENERGY STAR QUESTION 134Which of the following is a source of graywater?  Toilets  Urinals  Sprinklers  Lavatory faucets QUESTION 135In which of the following common building applications are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) found?  Fire hydrants  Roof-top vents  Insulation agents  Centrifugal chillers ExplanationChlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are a type of compound that was widely used in the 20th century in various applications, including as a refrigerant in air conditioning systems such as centrifugal chillers. CFCs are known to deplete the ozone layer when released into the atmosphere, and their use has been phased out in many countries under the Montreal Protocol. References: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, U.S.Green Building Council resourcesQUESTION 136An owner of newly acquired land wants to design a building that uses materials that have minimal impact on the environment. Which of the following strategies would help achieve this goal?  Life-cycle assessment  Life-cycle costingC Simple payback  Environmental assessment A life-cycle assessment (LCA) is a strategy that can help an owner of newly acquired land design a building that uses materials that have minimal impact on the environment. An LCA is a method that evaluates the environmental impacts of a product or material over its entire life cycle, from extraction to disposal. An LCA can measure the impacts on various categories, such as energy use, water use, greenhouse gas emissions, resource depletion, and waste generation. An LCA can help compare different products or materials based on their environmental performance and select the ones that have the lowest impact13. Reference: LEED v4 Green Associate Candidate Handbook1, EPA’s Life Cycle Assessment3QUESTION 137Which strategy can be used during the building process and after occupation to reduce waste?  Implement a recycling program  Use certified lumber for framing  Use grey water for flushing of toilets  Develop a Sustainable Purchasing Policy Recycling is a strategy that can be used during the building process and after occupation to reduce waste. Recycling involves collecting, sorting, processing, and reusing or selling materials that would otherwise be discarded as waste. Recycling can save natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs, and lower disposal costs1 . Recycling can also help to achieve LEED credits in the Materials and Resources category by reducing the amount of construction and demolition waste generated by the project or by diverting waste from landfills or incinerators. Reference: LEED v4 Green Associate Candidate Handbook1, EPA’s Recycling Basics2, LEED v4 BD+C Reference GuideQUESTION 138Which of the following strategies is considered an approach to land management that mimics natural systems and manages rainwater as close to the source as possible?  Xeriscaping  Passive Design  Evapotranspiration  Low-Impact Development Low-Impact Development (LID) is an approach to land development that uses various land planning and design practices and technologies to simultaneously conserve and protect natural resource systems and reduce infrastructure costs. LID still allows land to be developed, but in a cost-effective manner that helps mitigate potential environmental impacts. This approach aims to manage rainwater as close to its source as possible, mimicking a site’s pre-development hydrology through the use of numerous site design strategies. Reference: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, U.S. Green Building Council resourcesQUESTION 139In order to maintain the LEED Green Associate credential, you must earn which of the following continuing education credits?  15 hours per year with six hours being LEED specific  15 hours every two years with three hours being LEED specific  30 hours per year with three hours being LEED specific  30 hours every two years with six hours being LEED specific QUESTION 140A developer has asked the building designer to incorporate a landscape irrigation system using the building’s graywater in order to earn LEED points. Which is the most appropriate source of graywater for this use?  Urinal  Toilet  Janitor sink  Bathroom sink QUESTION 141Limiting the concentration of which of the following substances protects the health of construction personnel?  Biomass  Compostable materials  vocs  CFC refrigerants vocs are volatile organic compounds that can evaporate from paints, solvents, adhesives, and other building materials. They can cause health problems such as eye irritation, respiratory distress, headaches, and cancer. Limiting the concentration of vocs in the air protects the health of construction personnel by reducing their exposure to these harmful substances12.Reference:Occupational Hygiene – Occupational Exposure Limits | CCOHS1910.1450 – Occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories. | Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationQUESTION 142A building is located on a site without access to public transportation. Which of the following strategies can a project team implement in order to reduce the environmental impacts associated with how the occupants get to and from the building?  Limit parking  Provide incentives for carpooling  Build underground parking structure  Use compact development strategies ExplanationA building that is located on a site without access to public transportation can have a high environmental impact associated with how the occupants get to and from the building, such as greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, energy consumption, and traffic congestion. One of the strategies that a project team can implement in order to reduce this impact is to provide incentives for carpooling, which is a form of alternative transportation that involves sharing a vehicle with other passengers who have similar travel routes or destinations. Providing incentives for carpooling can encourage the occupants to reduce their single-occupancy vehicle trips and use fewer vehicles, which can save fuel, reduce emissions, and lower parking demand. Some examples of incentives for carpooling are: subsidies, vouchers, discounts, prizes, recognition, or preferential parking12. References: LEED v4 Green Associate Candidate Handbook1, LEED v4 BD+C Reference Guide2 Loading … LEED-Green-Associate PDF Dumps Are Helpful To produce Your Dreams Correct QA's: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2023-12-17 13:46:05 Post date GMT: 2023-12-17 13:46:05 Post modified date: 2023-12-17 13:46:05 Post modified date GMT: 2023-12-17 13:46:05