This page was exported from Latest Exam Prep [ ] Export date:Sat Dec 14 8:36:23 2024 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: Validate your Skills with Updated RHCE Exam Questions & Answers and Test Engine [Q37-Q54] --------------------------------------------------- Validate your Skills with Updated RHCE Exam Questions & Answers and Test Engine Tested & Approved RHCE Study Materials Download Free Updated 111 Questions Q37. CORRECT TEXTCreate a backup file named /root/backup.tar.bz2, which contains the contents of /usr/local, bar must use the bzip2 compression. cd/usr/localtar-jcvf/root/backup.tar.bz2*mkdir/testtar-jxvf/root/backup.tar.bz2-C/test/Q38. CORRECT TEXTThe user authentication has been provided by ldap domain in According the following requirements to get ldapuser.-LdapuserX must be able to login your system, X is your hostname number. But the ldapuser’s home directory cannot be mounted, until you realize automatically mount by autofs server.– All ldap user’s password is “password”. see explanation below. Explanation system-config-authentication &Q39. CORRECT TEXTAdjust the size of the Logical Volume.Adjust the size of the vo Logical Volume, its file system size should be 290M. Make sure that the content of this system is complete.Note: the partition size is rarely accurate to the same size as required, so in the range 270M to 320M is acceptable. Additiondf-hTlvextend-L+100M/dev/vg0/voLvscanxfs_growfs/home///homeisthemounteddirectoryoftheLVMthisstepjustneedtodointhepracticeenvironmentandtestEXT4doesnotneedthisstep.resize2fs/dev/vg0/vo//usethiscommandtoupdateinexamination.df-hTORSubtractione2fsck-f/dev/vg0/voumount/homeresize2fs/dev/vg0/vo//thefinalrequiredpartitioncapacityis100Mlvreduce-l100M/dev/vg0/vomount/dev/vg0/vo/homedf-hTQ40. CORRECT TEXTAdd a swap partition.Adding an extra 500M swap partition to your system, this swap partition should mount automatically when the system starts up. Don’t remove and modify the existing swap partitions on your system. fdisk-cu/dev/vda//inthewayofexpandingthepartitiondon’tmakemainpartitionpartx-a/dev/vdamkswap/dev/vdaxswapon/dev/vdaxswapon-svi/etc/fstab/dev/vdaxswapswapdefaults00mount-aQ41. CORRECT TEXTThere are two different networks and Where and192.168.1.254 IP Address are assigned on Server. Verify your network settings by pinging Network’s Host. vi/etc/sysconfing/networkNETWORKING=yesHOSTNAME=station? CORRECT TEXTThere is a local logical volumes in your system, named with shrink and belong to VGSRV volume group, mount to the /shrink directory. The definition of size is 320 MB.Requirement:Reduce the logical volume to 220 MB without any loss of data. The size is allowed between 200-260 MB after reducing. cd;umount/shrinke2fsck-f/dev/mapper/vgsrv-shrinkresize2fs/dev/mapper/vgsrv-shrink220Mlvreduce-L220M/dev/mapper/vgsrv-shrinkmount-aQ43. CORRECT TEXTUpgrading the kernel as, and configure the system to Start the default kernel, keep the old kernel available. #cat/etc/grub.conf#cd/boot#lftpit#getdr/dom/kernel-xxxx.rpm#rpm-ivhkernel-xxxx.rpm#vim/etc/grub.confdefault=0Q44. CORRECT TEXTConfigure iptables, there are two domains in the network, the address of local domain is other domain is, now refuse domain to access the server. belowiptables-Fserviceiptablessaveiptables-AINPUT-s172.25.0.0/16-jREJECTserviceiptablessaveserviceiptablesrestartQ45. CORRECT TEXTCreate a volume group, and set 16M as a extends. And divided a volume group containing 50 extends on volume group lv, make it as ext4 file system, and mounted automatically under /mnt/data. #pvcreate/dev/sda7/dev/sda8#vgcreate-s16Mvg1/dev/sda7/dev/sda8#lvcreate-l50-nlvm02#mkfs.ext4/dev/vg1/lvm02#blkid/dev/vg1/lv1#vim/etc/fstab#mkdir-p/mnt/dataUUID=xxxxxxxx/mnt/dataext4defaults00#vim/etc/fstab#mount-a#mount(Verify)Q46. CORRECT TEXTAccording the following requirements to create user, user group and the group members:– A group named admin.– A user named mary, and belong to admin as the secondary group.– A user named alice, and belong to admin as the secondary group.– A user named bobby, bobby’s login shell should be non-interactive. Bobby not belong to admin as the secondary group.Mary, Alice, bobby users must be set “password” as the user’s password. groupaddadminuseradd-Gadminmaryuseradd-Gadminaliceuseradd-s/sbin/nologinbobbyecho”password”|passwd–stdinmaryecho”password”|passwd–stdinaliceecho”password”|passwd–stdinbobbyQ47. CORRECT TEXTConfigure NTP.Configure NTP service, Synchronize the server time, NTP server: Configuretheclient:Yum-yinstallchronyVim/etc/chrony.confAdd:serverclassroom.example.comiburstStart:systemctlenablechronydsystemctlrestartchronydValidate:timedatectlstatusQ48. CORRECT TEXTFind the rows that contain abcde from file /etc/testfile, and write it to the file/tmp/testfile, and the sequence is requested as the same as /etc/testfile. #cat/etc/testfile|whilereadline;doecho$line|grepabcde|tee-a/tmp/testfiledoneORgrep`abcde’/etc/testfile>/tmp/testfileQ49. CORRECT TEXTCreate a user alex with a userid of 3400. The password for this user should be redhat. useradd-u3400alexpasswdalexsu-alexQ50. CORRECT TEXTSearch a StringFind out all the columns that contains the string seismic within /usr/share/dict/words, then copy all these columns to /root/lines.tx in original order, there is no blank line, all columns must be the accurate copy of the original columns. grepseismic/usr/share/dict/words>/root/lines.txtQ51. CORRECT TEXTConfigure /var/tmp/fstab Permission.Copy the file /etc/fstab to /var/tmp/fstab. Configure var/tmp/fstab permissions as the following:Owner of the file /var/tmp/fstab is Root, belongs to group rootFile /var/tmp/fstab cannot be executed by any userUser natasha can read and write /var/tmp/fstabUser harry cannot read and write /var/tmp/fstabAll other users (present and future) can read var/tmp/fstab. cp/etc/fstab/var/tmp//var/tmp/fstabviewtheownersetfacl-mu:natasha:rw-/var/tmp/fstabsetfacl-mu:haryy:—/var/tmp/fstabUsegetfacl/var/tmp/fstabtoviewpermissionsQ52. CORRECT TEXTLocate all the files owned by ira and copy them to the / root/findresults directory. #find/-userira>/root/findresults(if/root/findfilesisafile)#mkdir-p/root/findresults#find/-userira-execcp-a{}/root/findresults;[if/root/findfilesisadirectory]ls/root/findresultsQ53. CORRECT TEXTWe are working on /data initially the size is 2GB. The /dev/test0/lvtestvolume is mount on /data. Now you required more space on /data but you already added all disks belong to physical volume. You saw that you have unallocated space around 5 GB on your harddisk. Increase the size of lvtestvolume by 5GB. Createapartitionhavingsize5GBandchangethesysteid’8e’.usepartprobecommandpvcreate/dev/hda9Supposeyourpartitionnumberishda9.vgextendtest0/dev/hda9vgextendcommandaddthephysicaldiskonvolumegroup.lvextend-L+5120M/dev/test0/lvtestvolumeverifyusinglvdisplay/dev/test0/lvtestvolume.Q54. CORRECT TEXTSearch files.Find out files owned by jack, and copy them to directory /root/findresults mkdir/root/findfilesfind/-userjack-execcp-a{}/root/findfiles/;ls/root/findresults Loading … Regular Free Updates RHCE Dumps Real Exam Questions Test Engine: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2022-11-08 15:31:47 Post date GMT: 2022-11-08 15:31:47 Post modified date: 2022-11-08 15:31:47 Post modified date GMT: 2022-11-08 15:31:47