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Gerry works in a bank. One of his responsibilities is to check the amount of cash in the cash machine and reload it to the required level. He does this each morning and on Friday afternoons, in preparation for the weekend. Which one of the following best describes Gerry?  Not a user of the cash machine since he does not withdraw money  A primary user of the cash machine  A secondary user of the cash machine  An indirect user of the cash machine  A stakeholder in the cash machine who is not a user  A user of the cash machine who is not a stakeholder ExplanationPrimary userA user who uses the interactive system for its intended purpose.Examples of primary users:1. A bank customer who uses a cash dispenser to withdraw money is a primary user of the cash dispenser.2. A call centre operative who uses a reservation system to reserve cars for customers is a primary user of the reservation system.Secondary userA user who carries out support tasks with the interactive system, for example to maintain it or to train primary users.Note: 1.Secondary users – in particular maintenance staff – typically interact with a different user interface than primary users. This user interface also requires context analysis and specification of user requirements to be usable.Examples of secondary users:1. A user who prints a document on a printer is a primary user of the printer. When the same user a moment later changes the ink on the printer, he or she is a secondary user of the printer.2. A bank employee who restocks a cash dispenser with cash is a secondary user of the cash dispenser.3. A trainer who teaches a call centre operative how to use a car reservation system is a secondary user of the reservation system.Indirect userA user who uses the output of the interactive system, but who does not interact directly with the interactive system.Examples of indirect users:1. A bank customer who receives a paper or electronic statement is an indirect user of the bank’s computer system.2. A customer who contacts the call centre to reserve a car is an indirect user of the computer system used by the call centre operative to make the reservationNO.38 16. Which two of the following relate to the user experience of a train travel website but not to its usability:  Pop-ups regularly appear over the text, leading users to become angry and frustrated  Users frequently mention that they like the layout of the website  If a session times out the user does not find out until they have submitted all of their contact and payment information. They then have to start all over again  The data strip on tickets bought from the website cannot be read by machines at the ticket barriers, forcing customers to queue up to have their ticket checked manually  Tickets bought online do not need to be printed out. Users are able to scan their confirmation emails at the ticket barrier – this removes the worry for users who are concerned about losing their tickets  The website has not been optimised for mobile phones, and users get frustrated and annoyed as they try to fill text fields in NO.39 Fill in the blank:Context of use description is a description of the users, goals, tasks, resources, and environments derived from observations, contextual interviews and_______. 1. focus groupsNO.40 Fill in the blanks:The purpose of__________ is to serve as a helpful intermediate step in the transformation of the context of use information into comprehensive__________. user needs, user requirementsNO.41 Pick which are subtasks:  Rent a car  Cancel a car rental reservation  Register on a car rental website  Log in to a car rental website  Enter the password  Book a flight ExplanationA subtask does not in itself achieve a goal from the user’s point of view but is a necessary decision or action to reach the user’s goals.NO.42 Fill in the blanks:During a contextual interview, the interviewer treats the interviewee as the while the interviewer is the humble________ (__________model). master-apprenticeExplanationInterviews should focus on gathering information about the current context of use rather than the interactive system itself. They should be done contextually. A contextual interview takes place at the location where the user’s interaction with the interactive system usually takes place, for example the user’s workplace, their home or in a shop. An ordinary interview takes place in a neutral environment, for example in a meeting room.During a contextual interview, the interviewer treats the interviewee as the master while the interviewer is the humble apprentice (master-apprentice model). The interviewer asks because they sincerely want to learn -not because they want to demonstrate their knowledge. The interviewer should use open and neutral interview questions rather than closed and leading questions to avoid biasing the interviewee.The interviewer should rely on an interview checklist to ensure that all relevant topics are addressed, rather than using it to control or steer the interview.The outcome of this activity is a description of the context of use. The context of use has five components:Users (people who interact with the interactive system), Goals (what users want to achieve), Tasks (what users do to achieve their goals), Environment (where the interaction takes place), and Resources (the means required to perform the task).NO.43 Choose all that apply – Interview questions should be:  Strictly on topic rather then off topic  Neutral rather than leading  Aming for simple yes or no  Open minded for alternative cultural aspects  Entertaining  Open rather than closed NO.44 Fill in the blank:The interviewer should use open and neutral interview questions rather than closed and__________ questions leadingNO.45 11. Your colleague, Debbie, is planning interviews with users of a restaurant review website. Debbie shows you the interview questions she has written so far and asks you to comment on them.Which two of Debbie’s interview questions are leading?  “Do you like the amazing colours on the website?”  “What do you think of the instructions on the website?”  “Yesterday I interviewed a user who had a great idea. He suggested that reviewers should enter a code printed on their bill before they were allowed to enter a review; this would ensure that only people who had actually visited the restaurant submitted reviews. What do you think of this idea?”  “Have you ever visited London? If so, please tell me about some of your favourite places in London and some of the restaurants you have visited”  “Have you ever used a restaurant review website before?”  ”Do you have any suggestions for how this website should be financed?” NO.46 VisitDenmark is planning an app that lets visitors search for attractions, events and restaurants in Denmark.Which two of the following remarks from an interviewer during an interview about the new app adhere to the master-apprentice principle?  Interviewee: “Sometimes the opening hours listed for attractions are not up to date” Interviewer: “We’ll talk about that in a moment. First, I want to hear more about the types of attractions that interest you”  Interviewee: “It would be nice if the app could show me videos from past music festivals” Interviewer:!iReally? What do you expect from a music festival?”  Interviewee: “I like restaurant reviews but I always read them carefully to find out if they’re fake.” Interviewer: “Can you explain what you mean by ;fake’?”  Interviewee: “I am quite interested in design, so I would like to have an overview of museums and shops that show contemporary design” Interviewer: “Can you give me an example of a museum and a shop that you enjoyed?”  Interviewee: “Sometimes the French text is a bit silly. It’s clearly written by someone..:1 Interviewer interrupts: “Should there be more pictures?”  Interviewee: “I usually prefer quiet restaurants because they allow me to understand what people in my party are saying” Interviewer: ::Yes. I agree with that. Let me make a note of it. I love restaurants like i;Roligheden” (“Silence”) in Copenhagen, which is very quiet indeed” ExplanationDuring a contextual interview, the interviewer treats the interviewee as the master while the interviewer is the humble apprentice (master-apprentice model). The interviewer asks because they sincerely want to learn -not because they want to demonstrate their knowledge. The interviewer should use open and neutral interview questions rather than closed and leading questions to avoid biasing the intervieweeNO.47 Select four true statements about heuristic evaluation.  Users are asked to report subjective data into a questionnaire based on their experience of using an interactive system  A heuristic evaluation is a specific form of a usability inspection that is guided by a list of approximately 10 heuristics.  Can be used to evaluate users1 satisfaction with an interactive system and to gather information on the context of use.  A usability inspection in which one or more evaluators compare an interactive system to a list of heuristics and identify where the interactive system does not follow those heuristics.  Heuristics are a problem-solving method that uses shortcuts to produce good-enough solutions given a limited time frame or deadline.  Heuristic evaluation is a usability inspection method ExplanationSee page 51 in Usability inspection is a form of usability evaluation. It is based on the judgment of one or more evaluators who examine or use an interactive system to identify potential usability problems, and deviations from established dialogue principles, heuristics, user interface guidelines and user requirements. The evaluators base their evaluation on their experience as user experience professionals or as users of the interactive system that is being evaluated.A heuristic evaluation is a specific form of a usability inspection that is guided by a list of approximately 10 heuristics.User surveys evaluate users’ satisfaction with an interactive system. In a user survey, users report subjective data into a questionnaire based on their experience of using an interactive system. The usability of a questionnaire is important; for example, the questions in the questionnaire must be easy to understand and the questionnaire must keep users informed of their progress.User surveys are also used to gather context of use information as part of understanding the context of use.NO.48 A car rental website does not offer users the opportunity to cancel a reservation. An analysis of the context of use shows that users need this function. Which one aspect of the ISO 9241 definition of usability is violated by this website?  Accessibility  Completeness  Efficiency  Effectiveness  Satisfaction  Speed ExplanationISO 9241 -A family of standards covering human-centred design.Note: 1.ISO 9241 includes standards related toa. Software ergonomics;b. The human-centred design process;c. Displays and display related hardware;d. Physical input devices;e. Workplace ergonomics;f. Environment ergonomics;g. Control centresNO.49 16. Alice and Bob have a passion for the theatre. For Bob’s birthday, Alice decides to buy them both theatre tickets. She goes online to find and book tickets for a production that she thinks they will both enjoy. After the performance, Alice talks to Bob about the whole experience1. The online ads that attracted Alice to the website claimed “Buy your tickets in under 60 seconds!Guaranteed!” It took Alice about 5 minutes to buy her tickets. “I couldn’t work out how to select my tickets – that made me feel stupid”, Alice explains to Bob2. Alice thought the website looked attractive3. Once she had selected the tickets, the checkout process seemed easy4. When Alice and Bob arrived at the theatre, they were told that their printed tickets were not valid; they argued with the usher for ten minutes before someone in the box office confirmed their tickets were genuine and they were allowed in5. Alice pre-ordered their interval drinks on the website, as they were offering a 2-for-1 deal. When she went to collect the drinks the barman had no record of her order.6. The description of the credit card transaction that appeared on Alice’s bank account was unintelligible; Alice was only able to work out what the transaction was because she recognised the amount. Which one of the following statements about Alice’s user experience of the website is correct?  All issues 1 -6 affect the user experience  Only issues 2 and 3 affect the user experience  Only issue 3 affects the user experience  All issues except 6 affect the user experience  Only issues 1, 2 and 3 affect the user experience  None of the issues 1 -6 affect the user experience ExplanationUsability is the extent to which an interactive system is effective, efficient and satisfying to use in a specified context of use. An interactive system is effective if it supports what users need to do to reach their goals, and if users can figure out how to do it. An interactive system is efficient if it supports users in carrying out their tasks using as few resources as possible. In most cases, this means that users must be able to complete their tasks quickly. An interactive system is satisfying if it is pleasant to use.User experience (UX) considers satisfaction before, during and after use (whereas usability considers satisfaction only during use). User experience before use may be influenced by company branding, customer reviews, previous interactions, etc. User experience after use may be influenced by product delivery, post-sales support, recent interactions, etc.NO.50 Fill in the blanks:The first activity in a usability test is to write the______.This describes the purpose of the usability test and Provides________and time estimates. 1. Usability test plan, 2. CostNO.51 Fill in the blank:______________is based upon an explicit understanding of users, goals, tasks, resources and environments.Users are involved throughout the design. The design is driven and refined by usability evaluation.The process is iterative -that is, it continues until the user requirements are met.The design addresses the whole user experience (UX). 1. Human-centred designNO.52 Which one of the following best describes the purpose of personas?  Personas are used to gather contextual information relating to user needs without interfering with users’ work  Personas are used to recruit usability test participants  Stakeholders use personas to communicate important information about market requirements and organisational requirements to user experience professionals  Personas are required to generate as-is scenarios, user needs and use scenarios  Personas are an efficient way of communicating important information about users gathered during observation and interviews to interested stakeholders  A persona is a description of a fictitious but realistic user and what they intend to do when using an interactive system NO.53 The stage EARLY DESIGN involves converting user needs and user requirements into – choose three:  Use scenarios  Storyboards  User journey maps  Low-fidelity prototype  Style guide  Wireframe NO.54 Which one of the following statements best describes the purpose of a focus group?  To gather focused information from a group of users in a usability test session  To gather contextual information relating to user needs without interfering with users’ work  To collect contextual information relating to user needs by talking to users with particular focus on a user group  To gather ideas for personas and scenarios  To discuss a set of questions on specific topics  To evaluate an interactive system ExplanationFocus groupA focused discussion where a moderator leads a group of participants through a set of questions on specific topics.Note: 1.Do not use focus groups for usability evaluation. Focus groups are about attitude and opinion. In comparison, usability tests are about observing actual user behaviour. Loading … Verified CPUX-F Dumps Q&As - 1 Year Free & Quickly Updates: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2022-05-12 07:34:50 Post date GMT: 2022-05-12 07:34:50 Post modified date: 2022-05-12 07:34:50 Post modified date GMT: 2022-05-12 07:34:50